Creative Writing

My main creative project these days is a first novel. (Or the first of three, since the darned thing is evolving into a series.) It started with a short story for a creative writing class that had a silly little nothing of a plot — but I loved the characters and could not abandon them to a dusty (digital) file cabinet. Retaining their original spirits and relationships while expanding their story is a complicated process, studded with challenges and rewards. Every day is an adventure.

Recently, I’ve returned to my first love — poetry — as both a reader and writer. Exploring the medium with a deep sense of exploration has felt like breaking free from a calcified shell of old imagery, rhythms, habits. I write harder, deeper, more often, and far more thoughtfully now — and find myself increasingly rewarded with work I believe is worth sharing.

For several years, one of my primary creative outlets was writing original dramas and adaptations for Chatterbox Audio Theater, a nonprofit that produced 100 shows over 10 years. I loved volunteering  with Chatterbox as a writer, supporter, and Board member.

Previous Creative Work and Awards

Audio Drama

The Fisherman and His Soul — Chatterbox Audio Theater, March 2015
(adaptation, story by Oscar Wilde)

Halloween Show 2014 — Chatterbox Audio Theater, October 2014
“Witch Not, Want Not”

Halloween Show 2011 — Chatterbox Audio Theater, October 2011

Halloween Show 2010 — Chatterbox Audio Theater, October 2010
“Burning Cold”

Moon-Face — Chatterbox Audio Theater, April 2010
(adaptation, story by Jack London)

Halloween Show 2009, Part 1 — Chatterbox Audio Theater, October 2009


Bell Tower Christian Brothers University, Fall 2017
“Two Sides of the Same Coin: Rosa Deal School of Arts Building Comes to Life, Reflecting Both Tradition and the Future” (pp. 12-17)
“No Excuses, No Limits: A Transformative Education Leads to a Life Helping Others Succeed” (pp. 18-21)


“Son” in Bud & Branch — Green Ink Poetry, December 2022 (print), December 2023 (online)

“The Swallows Come” — The Oregonian, December 29, 1974

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Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Competition, 1994
Honorable Mention, Script and TV/Movie category
“Star Trek: The Next Generation — The Verdict of Time” (spec script)

Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Competition, 1992
Honorable Mention, Script and TV/Movie category
“Quantum Leap — It’s a Dog’s Life” (spec script)

National Federation of Local Cable Programmers, Hometown USA Video Festival, 1988
First Place, Performing Arts Category
Innervisions: Arts in the Community
(video editor, documentary series)

long row of library shelves illuminated by bare lightbulbs hanging from ceilingFollow Me

I post periodically about my creative writing journey on Mastodon, where I enjoy connecting with other writers and readers.

I’m also reachable via LinkedIn or email.

library book shelves image by StockSnap on Pixabay